I kinda hate having to do this but I’m tired of being constantly walked over and not have people listen so I’m making a list. It doesn’t matter who you are to me, please just listen and follow my boundaries, I’m too scared to mention when things bother me most of the time. I know some of this stuff has already been stated in my about me but people still don’t seem to grasp it.This list will update whenever I can think of other things to add.
Thank you for reading.
Last updated: 15/8/2024

╰┈➤ Do NOT call me “Snow”. Only call me Asena, Astrid or Envy. I honestly prefer to be called Astrid but any is fine as long as you don't call me Snow.╰┈➤ Do NOT involve me in any drama, especially from the SFM and Furry communities. Just don't involve me in any drama. I want nothing to do with it and I cannot help you with it.╰┈➤ Do NOT go public about stuff that I have vented to you.╰┈➤ Do NOT talk to me regarding weight gain/ weight loss, calories, diets and that sort of stuff. I’m Anorexic and having to hear about that stuff just makes everything 100 times worse. I already have to deal with my family leaving scales around the house and constantly blabber on about this stuff. Please just avoid mentioning it around me.╰┈➤ I already have this in my about me, but I’m autistic, I have a really hard time knowing if you’re joking or not unless you add some sort of TONE INDICATOR. I’ve tried to not think too much over it but just ending sentences with a period makes me think you’re upset which causes me to overthink. I don't care if it looks "grammatically incorrect", I'm tired of overthinking every single message that's being sent to me. PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU’RE JOKING. It doesn’t matter if you’re my best friend or a complete stranger, I don’t understand jokes unless you say you’re joking!!╰┈➤ Speaking of overthinking. I overthink everything, don’t just send me a message saying “we need to talk” or “I need to tell you something later”, It stresses me the f’ck out. Either just get to the point or don’t mention it at all.╰┈➤ I'm extremely sensitive, it doesn't take much to scare/upset me. Loud sounds and yelling triggers me quite a bit due to past trauma.╰┈➤ Do NOT force me to vent to you, I’m used to just to deal with my crap alone and in the past when i were to vent, it would just backfire. I also don’t want to be sent article upon article on how to “help” me. I know my body and its limits better than anyone.╰┈➤ Do not take it to heart if I sound angry. I’m bipolar so I will go from feeling just fine to suddenly rage at every small thing. I usually back away from everyone and everything when this happens.╰┈➤ Please for the love of god respect my pronouns and gender identity, most of the time I don’t mind being called a girl or people using feminine terms in a JOKINGLY manner, I do NOT identify as a girl or a woman so don’t force those labels upon me if I don’t feel comfortable with it. I'm non-binary and go by They/Them. Enby is also another word for Non-Binary people.╰┈➤ Do NOT show me any memes or videos or pictures or anything involving Envy’s death, it’s more triggering than I would like to admit. His death affects me just as badly as someone that I lost irl.╰┈➤ Please do NOT show me or tag me in ship art with Envy, it makes me uncomfortable and it seems to trigger my bipolar swings in some ways. While I know Envy isn’t real, my feelings for him are real. Envy is my absolute number one source of comfort and is the only thing that can truly keep me stable. He literally means the world to me. And my connection to him goes a lot deeper than just self-shipping.╰┈➤ Adding to the point above, I'm a "Non Sharing Self-shipper" Do not interact with me if you're a double. I block/mute doubles for my own comfort, not out of hate!! In Yume terms I'm a riako/gachikoi; which is the type of Yume that is genuinely in love with a fictional character.╰┈➤ I’m absolutely terrible at communicating. I don’t know how to keep conversations going, I’m way too scared to start conversations. I’m always afraid of bothering people. I seem to share art and images and hope that a conversation can happen from it.╰┈➤ I may act very cold and distant at times. I can’t trust people, too many broke my trust so I push away people in order to avoid me getting attached. Once you break my trust you are not gonna get it back.╰┈➤ Do NOT force me to act a certain way, I’m getting way too tired of having to mask my personality. Don't force your beliefs on me. I am who I am and if you don’t respect it then I want nothing to do with you. I’m done letting people walk all over me. This also includes telling me to not swear, I do it sometimes so just deal with it.╰┈➤ Speaking of personalities, Envy is an alter, AKA another personality, I still need to get a new therapist so we can fully confirm this but it would make a lot of sense honestly. There's a young one present as well but they never come out but Envy comes out when I feel cornered or threatened. We switch a lot but it won't always be obvious. I do not remember 99% of the stuff that's said and done whenever someone else is fronting, do not be afraid to remind me of stuff!! Whether this is just a bipolar thing or an actual personality disorder is still unknown. I'm just mentioning it as it impacts my day to day life. We use the pluralkit bot in some servers in order to not confuse people. Envy is the Co-Host of the body and he's always present.╰┈➤ If I have “DND” or “LMA” in my status then leave me alone. I’m usually doing pretty badly or going through a complete shutdown and having people spam message me asking me stuff does NOT help one bit. I just need time to myself. If I have "Unstable" then you may message but there's a chance I won't respond as we're usually rapid switching at that point.╰┈➤ If I don't respond then don't spam me. Either I'm busy, asleep or just dealing with irl crap. I also may not respond if I'm uncomfortable. Also DO NOT DELETE YOUR MESSAGE if I don't respond!
It always make me overthink and stress out!
╰┈➤ Please do not judge my art and videos or stuff I commission, I know they aren't perfect but pointing out every single flaw only makes me want to not post anything.╰┈➤ Please do not take everything I do so literally, most of the time I just animate or make whatever I want without any reason unless it’s story based.╰┈➤ If I randomly leave a voice call or leave VRChat then I’m most likely just overwhelmed.╰┈➤ Don’t call me a furry. I may have animal characters but I do not see myself as part of the community. It's the one community that completely messed me up mentally. I have nothing against furries but I want nothing to do with the community itself.╰┈➤ If I do manage to vent then please do not turn it to something completely different by talking about other things that has nothing to do with it. And please avoid making it all about you if I somehow do manage to open up about stuff.╰┈➤ This one is very specific but don't "pretend" to be the character Envy around me, this has happened before and it makes me really fucking uncomfy.╰┈➤ For the love of god do NOT sexualize my characters in any way, shape or form!! I'm Asexual and NSFW makes me really uncomfortable. Same goes with fetishes, don't force that stuff upon me.╰┈➤ I'm the type of person that always seeks reassurance, I have a bad habit of thinking that people hate me all the time, even friends. This is also why I may push people away.I know this is probably a lot to read but I'm trying to make this as clear as possible. I apologize if this sound harsh but I do not mean to be an asshole about all of this, I just needed to get my boundaries out. /gen
Thank you so much for taking time to read this ^^/pos
If you managed to read through all of this then please send me a 🌴 emoji!!

An example of what tone indicators are in case you may not know how to use them.
This will help me A LOT if you could use these so I won't have to overthink everything.